Frequently Asked Question

Review Options in Quiz / Assessments
Kemaskini Terakhir 11 bulan yang lalu


The attempt

Will show how the student responded to each question. IF YOU DID NOT TICK THIS BOX, YOU CANNOT TICK ANYTHING ELSE. 

Whether correct

Displays whether the student's response to each question is correct or incorrect.

Maximum marks

This reveals the maximum mark available for each question.


Reveals the marks awarded to the student and the grade for the quiz and is only available when Maximum marks are selected.

Specific feedback

Will show the feedback for the response to the answer as set when adding the question to the quiz. Each response to a question can have feedback for both correct and incorrect answers.

General feedback

Displays the general feedback for the whole question as set when adding the question to the quiz. You can use the general feedback to give students some background to what knowledge the question was testing.

Right answer

Reveals the correct answer to each question, whether the student answered correctly or not (See note below).

Overall Feedback

Displays feedback for the entire quiz as set in the quiz settings (See note below).

For each of the above items, you can determine the timeframe when the students will see them:

During the attempt

is only available when ‘How questions behave’ has been set to ‘Immediate feedback’, ‘Immediate feedback with CBM’ and ‘Interactive with multiple tries’. If set to one of these options then a ‘Check’ button will appear below the answer and when clicked the student will submit that response and then receive immediate feedback.

Immediately after the attempt

means within 2 minutes of the student clicking "submit all and finish".

Later, while the quiz is still open

means after 2 minutes, but before the close date (if the quiz does not have a close date, this phase never ends).

After the quiz is closed

means what it says (you never get here for quizzes without a close date).

Tip: Checking any of the boxes in the timeframe row, will reveal the test to the student. For example, to allow students to see their quiz immediately after taking it but not later, make sure none of the boxes in the "Later" or "After" rows are checked. The student will be able to see their grade but not get into the quiz.

Note: Currently, the Answers display is a bit inconsistent between different question types. For example, the matching question type shows students which of their responses are correct but does not tell them the right answer for the ones they got wrong. The short-answer and multiple-choice question types do tell the student what the correct answer is.

In your list of review options, you must have 'The attempt' (the first option in the lists) selected before you can enable the options to show 'Whether correct', 'Specific feedback', 'General feedback', and 'Right answer'. If you choose not to let the students review the attempt, your only options are to display 'Marks' and 'Overall feedback'.

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